Thursday, 21 February 2019

Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behavior

Social media and marketing are old friends. I wouldn’t be breaking any news to you if I say that social media marketing can bring a great boost to your business growth. For years, social media has been a very crucial and now an inseparable part of digital marketing. 

The reason? Well, ask yourself. How much time do you spend on social media? The answer to most of you would be – a lot! And that’s the story going on in the world of the internet for years. 

People spend a lot of their time on social media channels. Be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or any of the other social media websites, you’re bound to check your notifications as soon as they buzz your phone. Thus, social media gained a great hype in the world of marketing – because the audience is already there.

Now, how does social media marketing influence your customers to make a purchase? Let’s see how it works:

Assured Visibility and Credibility Of Your Brand 

When you’re advertising with social media, your brand has got a home on the social media network being used. For instance, if you’re advertising your brand on Facebook, you have a Facebook business page there, or if you’re advertising on Instagram, your Instagram profile is there already. 

Without having accounts, profiles, or pages on these social media networks, you cannot indulge in social media marketing. 

The benefit of having a social media presence is that even if your prospects miss your ad, they can look you up and contact you or make a purchase. Which is not the case with Google ads or the other ads on the internet. 

Also, with such kind of social media presence, your business comes out as a credible one in front of your audience. They can get more information about you. Thus, they can trust you with your products or services. This calls for making a purchase when the prospects are interested in your product or brand.

No Extra Efforts Required 

With social media marketing, no extra efforts are required by the customers to look up for the brands or products and then make a purchase. The social media ads reach your audience while they’re already online, browsing through the stories and posts of others. 

Thus, for marketers, a great number of consumers are just a click away. And it comes in handy for the consumers as well, as they can directly make a purchase through their social media accounts and no extra efforts are needed.

So, an easy, quick, and handy method of purchase induces your audience to buy the products or avail the services.

Vast Networking 

People are networked on social media beyond the imagination. The networks are so vast and so wide that one single message can flow throughout the world in a matter of few minutes. 

And the same can happen with your social media marketing campaign. The ads on social media can experience a great boost through the word-of-mouth technique of marketing. People are networked on social media networks and obviously, they are networked with their family, friends, influencers, etc. 

If a person from someone’s network, share your ad or product with others, they will pay more heed to it than to your ad. Thus, with an influential impact on their minds, they’re driven to make a purchase. 
Thus, in the above-mentioned ways, social media marketing influences your customers and induces them to make a purchase. 

Digital marketing is turning out to be a game for smart ones. Thus, to succeed, you need to put in a lot of your mind to win customers. By learning the mindset of your prospects, you can strike it rich! So, spend more time learning closely about your target audience before planning a failsafe social media marketing campaign. 

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